Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

2 month check up

We went to see Dr. Fernandez today for Jocelyn's 2 month check up (a few days early).  She is getting sooo big, right before our eyes.  I can't believe I go back to work on Monday, and we almost have a 2 month old!  Crazy!  Miss J weighed in at 11 lbs 4oz and was 22 3/4 inches long.  Keep in mind she left the hospital weighing 7lbs 5oz.  I don't know what kind of milk I am making, but it must be good!  Here are some pictures from today.  Dad took a long lunch break to be with us. 

Checking herself out in the mirror

Miss J got 4 shots today, and man, did she cry.  Thank goodness Dad was there to comfort her!

When we got home, she was in a much better mood after a car nap.  As I went to take her out of her car seat, she had the most precious face!  Had to snap a picture.

And another one!  She has been smiling since about 5 weeks

And then that was all she was going to have of the camera.  Time to take her out of the car seat :)


  1. don't you just love that when they get the shots! ha! glad daddy was there to share in that with you. :) can't wait to see you guys!!!

  2. Oh the SMILES!!! She is so darn cute!! It just keeps getting more and more fun!
