Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Look who's walking.....kind of?!?

I looked in both Derek and my baby book to see when we started walking, and we were both right around 13-13.5 months.  So, Miss Jocelyn is right on target!  Jocelyn started walking yesterday, and unfortunately I missed it (insert tear and sad face).  Dad was johnny on the spot and grabbed the cam corder and got her walking.  She is still quite wobbly, and would much prefer to crawl or be held...but she can definitely walk.  I look forward to chasing her very soon! 

She is loving her new classroom at school and has made a lot of new friends.  The other day, I got the pleasure of taking her to school (normally Dad does this).   When we got to the classroom, I kneeled down to put her on the floor, and she immediately cruised over to the table and sat in a chair?!?  It was as though she was like "I am ready for my meal, someone please serve me".  I was like, well, I guess she doesn't need me anymore and walked out of the classroom.  I asked Derek about it, and he said she gets her breakfast as soon as she gets there at that little table.  Note to self:  Don't get in the way of Miss Jocelyn and her food!  Got it!

Below is the video Derek shot of Jocelyn walking back and forth between he and gramma.  It is kind of a long video, so you can watch a few second of it and get the idea.

I also had to include this picture.  This was over labor day weekend.  Jocelyn was soooo tired that she couldn't even finish her lunch.  She slept like this for about 25 minutes or so!  Ha!

Our little Aggie Princess!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Our little 1 year old!!!

One year ago today Jocelyn came into our lives.  She has blessed us in so many ways.  Every time we see her smile or hear her laugh it just melts our hearts.  Honestly, she has been the best baby ever!  I have no complaints.  She has slept good, she eats REALLY good, and has a wonderful temperament.  Everyone always says that there is no love like the love you have for your children, and that love is indescribable. 

Tomorrow we take Jocelyn in for her 1 year check up!  She is so close to walking, but not quite there yet.  She will be moving up to the toddler room very soon, and as sad as that makes me, I am ready for her to move up.  I think she is bored with the babies?  She has been pulling hair and acting out, but I think that is due to the lack of stimulation. 

At school today they had a big birthday party for Jocelyn, I had a long day at work, so Dad sent a picture text so I could see.  My good friend, Kristin took some wonderful pictures of Miss Jocelyn for her 12 month photos.  It is so amazing to see how much she has changed in just a matter of months. 

I know I have already posted this picture, but I just love it!  AND, I got a steal on this precious smocked dress.  It reminds me of my childhood!

It was literally 1million degrees on the day of the shoot.  Derek went to get all 4 of us snow cones when we were done.  Jocelyn loved hers! 

You can't see very well in this pictures, but she had it ALL over her!

I promise this train was out of commission.  It was just a neat shot!