Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Jocelyn is totally my kid!!

I was looking through my phone at some pictures of Jocelyn...and I noticed a theme.  She is incredibly animated in her facial expressions.  For those of you who know me know I am too.  I am one of those people who you always know what they are thinking, because it is written all over their face.  Definitely something I need to work on!  :)  Anyways, I have posted a few pictures below to confirm my suspicion that we will be able to know exactly what Jocelyn is thinking by the look on her face!

This is where I would try to put a witty comment on what I think is going through her head....but, I have absolutely no idea what she is thinking?!?

This one is not really that crazy, but she is definitely giving me a look of "Hey mom, whats something special for you in my pants!"

 Last weekend, we went to dinner with our good friends Josh & Leigh Rountree.  Since it was so beautiful out on Saturday, we decided to get the kids together on Sunday for lunch and a play date.  Unfortunately, our plans to sit on the patio were ruined when the temperature dropped 35 degrees overnight.  Oh well.  Jocelyn and Gage played very nicely together, and the minute we set the two of them on the ground to play...both moms went on a picture taking frenzy!!

 On April 1st, Miss J turned 7 months old.  Can't believe it!  This is such a fun age.  She has grown so much!

This weekend, Derek and I took our first overnight trip together (away from J) to help my good friend Kim celebrate her 30th ....I mean 29th birthday in Austin.  Jocelyn had a blast with Gramma and Grandaddy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man I could totally come up with some good comments on what her thoughts are in each picture. Haha.
