Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Friday, February 26, 2010

The first 3 months

Many of you have asked me how I have been feeling during the first trimester. One word can describe it....Yuck! I thought I was foot loose and fancy free during the first few weeks I found out I was pregnant, then the Night Time Nausea set in. Yes, my morning sickness was not in the morning, but at night. From what I hear it is not that uncommon, but thinking back I am so thankful that it wasn't in the morning. During the morning and daytime, I was able to function just fine...but come 6pm on, it was horrible. Everyday was a race to get home ASAP to plop on the couch and curl up in a ball. I never got "sick", but I felt so nauseous and the sight, smell or thought of food would send me into a tailspin.

Every night Derek would ask "what's for dinner", and I would simply give him the evil eye and he would then fix his typical "man meal". Derek's "man meal" consists of Ramen noodles, frozen breaded chicken breast and marinara sauce. There was the occasional "maybe I can throw something in a crock pot" day, but coming home to the smell of cooking meat just made me want to hurl!! Through out all of this Derek has been so supportive and caring, I am very lucky.

So, now I am on week 13 almost 14, and I am pretty sure that the newest development is that I can feel a tiny flutter in my tummy. No, it is not gas and No, I am not hungry. It almost feels like someone put a butterfly in my tummy and it is fluttering around. I am pretty sure it is the baby. I have read that during your first pregnancy, you typically don't feel the baby until a little later on...but I am pretty sure that this is what it is. If not, just let me believe so!! :)

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