Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Whose child is this?

When people meet Jocelyn, one of the first questions out of their mouths is "Who does she look like?"  Honestly, we have no clue?!?  Of course, Derek thinks she looks just like him...and I see absolutely no resemblance of her to me?  I know she is mine because I am pretty sure I spent 21 hours trying to get her out!!  Here are some pictures of both Derek and I when we were little, and you can be the judge of who she looks like.

Derek at 2 weeks old.  This couch is a classic!

Breck at 1 week old.  Did we seriously have yellow furniture??

Jocelyn at 1 week old

Derek at 3 1/2 months.  Check out the how things have changed!

Breck at 2 months old

Jocelyn at 2 months old

Derek at 3 1/2 months old.  I think his mother starved him?!?  :)

Breck at 4 months old

Jocelyn at 11 weeks

On Saturday night we watched the Aggies win against Nebraska, yeah!  Miss J tried so hard to stay awake, but just couldn't make it.  I was bouncing her on my knee and then realized that she had fallen asleep.  Look closely....can you see the drool coming out of her mouth?  Nice! 

Jocelyn is getting SO big, holy cow!  We are going to swing by the doctor tomorrow to have her weighed and measured.  Her personality is coming out more and more each day.  She smiles so much, just not in front of the camera...annoying!  I think I even heard a laugh this week.  My favorite time is in the morning when I wake her up.  She is a chatty Cathy when I have her on her changing table.  She just talks and talks, it is so cute.  So, of course like any good mom, I talk back to her.  If only someone was recording this, they might think I was insane.  Jocelyn is able to hold her head up pretty well, but gets tired after a while and lays back down. 
Daycare is going well.  She doesn't sleep good there, probably because of the noise?  But, everyone says she is doing great and is such a good baby.  She is sleeping through the night (Thank you!!!) and is pretty predictable, which makes it easy for planning.  I am pretty sure this is God's way of tricking us into having another baby, only to have the second one not be this good?  She is such a blessing and Derek and I are so happy to have her in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. hmm...i don't know who she looks like! she must be a great combo of both of you guys. :) Gage looked EXACTLY like my baby pictures. Crazy! Nothing like Josh's. Of course he HATES that!
