Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Sunday, August 15, 2010

37 Week update

On Friday, Derek and I went in for a 37 Week sonogram to check the growth of Jocelyn. Normally (I guess), you don't have a 37 week sonogram unless there is something wrong, or they want to check the weight of the baby. We were excited to see her once again and to learn what her estimated weight was. They said that she is approximately 7lbs 12oz!! Derek and I looked at each other in shock. I just can't believe that there is a 7 almost 8lb baby in my belly?!?

The doctor said that if I deliver in the next two weeks, I should be set for a normal delivery of a healthy 8-ish lb baby girl. However, if I am still pregnant in 2 weeks (I am due in 3), then we will be having discussions of a c-section. We are scheduled for another sonogram in two weeks, if I am still pregnant.

Nobody ever tells you how LONG the last few weeks of pregnancy are. I feel like all I do is sit around and wait, and I am very uncomfortable too! It will all be worth it soon. Here are the pics from the sonogram.

Aggie in training! Gig Em!

You have to look close on this one. This is a picture of her face (eyes, nose, etc.) But, she has her hand over her mouth.

This last one is of her profile. Check out those chubby cheeks and lips! love it!

1 comment:

  1. So precious! Everything is going to turn out perfectly. I can't wait to meet her.
