Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Sunday, September 1, 2013

2 month and 3 year check ups!

Apparently I am crazy, but I booked Jocelyn's 3 year check up as well as Grayson's 2 month check up at the same time?!?  I had no choice, I go back to work Tuesday and I had to get it done.  :)

Currently, I have one child in the 75% in weight and the other is 32%...I will let you figure it out!  :)

Jocelyn Updates:

I know most parents are completely biased, I am no different.  Jocelyn is SO smart it amazes me!  Her vocabulary is off the charts, and daily she will bust out with a completely new word, phrase or facial expression (not sure where she gets that from) :)  She is short for her age, and you can totally tell at school when she is next to her peers.  Guess she gets that from her momma, oh well.  She is sleeping in a big girl bed A.K.A "Princess Bed", but wakes up most of the time at about 1:30 and comes downstairs.  She taps Derek on the shoulder until he wakes up, and then he has to take her back upstairs and put her back to sleep.  Why does she go Derek's side of the bed you might ask...well, he is weaker than I and will very quickly throw her in bed with us. 

She is and has been potty trained for quite some time, she picked that up quickly and is a champ!  She has her favorite foods, but has become pickier as her vocabulary has developed.  Nightly I hear "that is too spicy" "I want something else please".  We have to figure out something to encourage her to eat better. 

Her imagination has really started to blossom in the past couple of weeks, it is very cute to watch.  She is finally getting to the point where she can play by herself and not have to have one of us play with her...yeah!


Jocelyn is very funny...I know she definitely gets that from me (wink, wink).  She mis pronounces words sometimes and it is soooo cute, I don't want to correct her, but I know its the right thing to do.

Tiara- Ti-wa-wa
Headphones- Sigh-phones
Hospital- Hos-a-pal
Sure- Suah
Pacifier- Fi-fire

And the list goes on.  One thing is for sure, she is such a loving kid.  She gives hugs and kisses to everyone, and says I love you all the time!  Melts my heart. 

She loves her brother too, and wants to hug and squeeze him all the time.

Jocelyn showing Daddy what kind of car she wants

Jocelyn and her best bud, Ava.  They love each other!
Grayson Updates:
 Grayson turned two months old on the 27th.  Time has just flown by.  God has blessed us with two GOOD babies!  G (as we call him) is so chill, and only cries when he is hungry, tired or has a dirty diaper...which I would too!  He is easily consoled, and sleeps pretty well.  He isn't completely sleeping through the night yet, but we are really close! 
At his two month check up, G weighed 11lbs! Which is apparently only in the 32%??  I guess he has some growing to do.  He is starting to coo, which is so precious-I love it.

We are also working on tummy time, this is from several weeks ago.
He is also smiling!!

Hanging out with Daddy at the pool

2 month photo

Mr. Handsome
Today is Jocelyn's birthday, but I will do a separate post for that.  I can't believe we are the parents of two healthy, handsome/beautiful and wonderful children.  We are blessed!

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