Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween 2012

I was excited about Halloween this year for a few reasons.  1.) Jocelyn is old enough to understand (kind of) the idea of trick or treating and 2.) A big group of us decided to meet up, have a pizza party and walk the neighborhood together. 

 Jocelyn and one of her favorite teachers, Ms. Cynthia (C-tia)

I snuck up to Jocelyn's school for a little Halloween Party.  She was super shy, and in the middle of the party looks up at me and says "I want to go home?!?"
Miss Jocelyn was supposed to be Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween.  However, as some of you know....2 year olds are in charge!  When we went to put her costume on she said, "no mommy".  Okie-dokey, no problem.  You can just wear this really cute outfit I got off of Zulilly for one million dollars....Thanks! :)

Jocelyn and her little friend Ava (they are a few months apart)

Miss Kaelyn and Miss Shae.  Always ready for a camera pose!
Chowing down on a little pizza
Could you just die?  This is sweet little Joseph.  His mom is the fun/crazy Canadian that lives in our neighborhood and this is what she put her son in!!  He is going to absolutely kill her one day, I love it!

Sweet picture of Jocelyn's outfit!

RHWOTK in our witch costumes!

Our attempt at a kiddo picture.  This lasted like 5 seconds and then the little ones were crawling away as quickly as possible.  It was like prom!

Kamdyn and Kyler

Miss Jocelyn waiting her turn to "trick or treat"

Miss Kyler loves little kids, and I mean with a capital "L".  She is so sweet and always says hello to Jocelyn and gives her hugs.  So, when she asked if she could pull Jocelyn in the really heavy wagon, I said absolutely! 
She even walked her up to the last door to "trick or treat"

Jocelyn just let herself on into their house!!  Thank goodness it was our next door neighbor!  Jocelyn calls him Ca-wa (Carter). 
Overall Halloween was a success!  I look forward to next year!

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