Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Home Sweet Home!

We are officially moved into the new house!  We took off this past week and utilized every minute to move into the house, unpack and decorate.  We still have a lot to do, but for the most part I am pleased with our progress! 

Of course with any move, things get scratched and broken.  My poor washer of (7 + years) died on us.  So, we fought the black Friday crowds and got a new washing machine.  I think it may have been the easiest sale of the day for ole Carlos at Lowe's.  I pretty much told him to show me what was on sale, and only models that were in stock.  Five minutes later, we were the new owners of the below washing machine.  I have a confession, I am kind of obsessed with it?!?  I have done literally 15 loads of laundry ever since we got it.  Derek keeps asking me why I am washing this or that, and it is simply because I am obsessed with the machine. 

Last night he found me standing over the washing machine looking through the glass top at the load I had running.  What has my life come to?  That was my Saturday night.....watching my laundry through the lid...LOOSER!

We had a very nice Thanksgiving at my Aunt and Uncle's house.  Then everyone came back to our place to watch some football. 
It was fun this year to let Jocelyn try out all of the yummy Thanksgiving food.  She loved ALL of it!

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