Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Friday, June 3, 2011

9 months!

I cannot believe I have a 9 month old.  I do think that from the age of about 6 months on has be my most favorite.  I know everyone says this about their own children, but I would definitely enter Jocelyn into the "Best baby in the world" contest.  She is such a joy to be around and is happy all the time. 

A lot has changed since her 8 month post.  At about 8 months and 2 weeks, I got a call from Miss Shaela (her teacher) informing me this was the call I had been waiting for.  For once!  It was not a call from daycare informing me that my child had been bumped in the head....again!  She had crawled a few steps, yeah!  Of course, we got her home, put her on the floor....and nothing.  Geez.  The next week, I was in Cleveland for work, and she really started crawling this week.  Now, she is off and running.  Not long after she started crawling, she started pulling up onto furniture.  She is very strong and can stand for a really long time. 

At about 8 months and 3 weeks, she got her two front bottom teeth!  They are not all the way in just yet, but they are so cute.  We didn't even know she had them, because, once again, she was the best baby ever and never fussed.  I tell people that Jocelyn is God's trick to us as a couple so that we will have more children (don't worry, we want more!!).

Jocelyn has also had a few colds and 2 ear infections this month, which were no fun.  It just breaks my heart when she is sick and there is nothing I can do.  We have moved to 3 meals a day and about 19 or so ounces of formula and some juice.  Jocelyn loves the following food: yogurt, all fruit, green beans, sweet potato, ham, turkey, cheese, pasta and zucchini bread. 

Last Friday, I took Jocelyn in for her 9 month check up.  Dr. Fernandez said all looked good and she was progressing with her milestones well.  Here are her stats:

Height: 29 inches (90%)
Weight: 21.3lbs (85%)
Can't remember her head, but it was 90% too!

I have no idea where these 85-90% stats are coming from?!?  I admit, I do probably over feed her, but I have a fear that she will not get enough to eat?  Am I crazy?  I just wish she could communicate to me and say "hey, lady...I am trying to watch my figure here...quit forcing food down my throat...have you seen my thighs lately".  I will try to be better. 

We also have a stage 5 clinger on our hands.  Jocelyn wants me and Miss Shaela only.  She will go to Dad, but only if necessary.  She reaches for me, but for some reason says dadadada.  I know she doesn't know what Dada means, it just must be easier to say.  She also says "uh-oh"- so cute!  She also says some odd sounding rendition of "dog", it sounds like "gog"?? 

I think these are going to become more and more challenging to take as she becomes more mobile.

9 Month Photos

My good friend from high school, Kristin, has a very high tech camera and is starting to dabble in the photography arena.  So, when she asked if she could practice on my family, I said ABSOLUTELY!  She takes the most beautiful pictures of her little girl, Emma, so I knew these would be great!  We met bright and early on a Sunday morning.  If you remember, this was the weekend that was SOOO humid.  Hence, why my hair looks like crap-ola!  ugh!  The weather doesn't explain my double chin though...this could be attributed to the fact that I haven't stepped foot in a gym since J was born...oops!

 I love this one, it is like she has a piece of grass in her fingers and she is contemplating putting it into her mouth.
 Ahhhh, melt my heart!  It makes me so mad.  I wake up early, put on a cute outfit, fix my hair, etc....and look like crap.  Derek rolls out of bed, shows up to the photo shoot a little bit late and looks like a friggin model?!?  Every picture he takes with her is so good, and it almost brings tears to my eyes watching him with her.  I love being a silent observer seeing how much he loves this little girl.
I love this one too.  Kristin has this ability to see something and imagine the final vision.  Kristin is like 5 foot nothing, and when she hauled this gigantic chair out of her car, I was very confused...and concerned because this chair is from her mothers living room...yikes!  Now, it all makes perfect sense.  Thank you Kristin for your creative vision.

Don't mind us, we just belong on a post card or on the front of a JC Penney catalogue.  I love this picture.  I even think my left leg looks thin.  Thanks, Kris!!

 This one jerks at my heart strings a little too.  He is so good with her!
Funny story about this one....Kristin whips this beautiful quilt out of her car and lays it down.  Instructs me to disrobe J and starts snapping away.  I think this picture is so sweet.  The funny part is, I was nervous she was going to pee or something on the quilt, and Kristin was like "oh, don't worry about it".  It was not until after I picked up J and got her dressed that she told me the quilt belonged to her husband (Mark's) great grandmother, or something like that.  I was like, you have got to be kidding me!  Ahhh!  So, glad nothing happened. 
My sweet baby girl and her happy smile!  We love you Jocelyn!  Thanks again Kristin for taking these absolutely beautiful pictures of us.  Hope we can do it again soon!


  1. Breck, you are too hard on yourself! You are really skinny. Like HS skinny. I do want to do pictures of you and J again--maybe at 12 mo. The lighting was awful for the pics of you and her--like it got so cloudy it looked like the end of the world in the flower pics. Otherwise, we would have had a lot more to choose from. Glad you like them! J is so cute!!!

  2. Great pics, Kristin! You had beautiful models....all 3 of them! And I agree, Derek IS so good with her, and good with my kids too! He's a natural!

  3. Love, love, love the pictures! Especially the postcard one. Caden will definitely be chasing an older woman to win Jocelyn's heart. :)
