Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dear Santa

All I want for Christmas is for the little boy at daycare that hit Jocelyn on the head with a toy, to not do that again.  Ahhh, how devastating it feels to have your child injured by another child.  I know it was not anyones fault, and these things are going to happen...but It still breaks my heart.  Jocelyn was playing on a mat at daycare last week, and a little boy crawled up and started playing next to her.  And then, WACK!  she got knocked in the head with a toy which resulted in these small bruises.  Here is a picture below.

Now onto less sad items!

Jocelyn had her first school portraits taken recently.  I picked out a cute outfit for Jocelyn (because Daddy is not allowed to do this task anymore after he brought her to my office wearing 15 shades of pink and pants that were too small).  I also sent up to school a pink headband that had a flower on top.  Well, apparently the photographer didn't know that I would prefer the flower to be arranged on the side of her head.  So, for one of the poses, she has the headband on, with the flower perfectly arranged on top of her head.  She looked like a flower pot!  I guess one of the teachers realized this, and moved it slightly to the side...much better.

Now, we were warned from our good friends Josh and Leigh that they were going to guilt us into purchasing all of these pictures of Jocelyn that we DONT need.  So, I had my game face on when I went to pick them up.  Of course the lady had all of Jocelyn's beautiful flower pot poses all lined out and was trying to sell me on this $140 package of 2-8X10, 15-5X7, and 1 million wallet sized photos.  I stood strong and only bought one sheet of 8 wallets for....get ready...$18.  Seriously?  The pictures aren't even that good. 

On Friday, Derek and I both took off of work to take Jocelyn to meet Santa.  She did great, and didn't cry at all.  This Santa, mind you, had his own economy sized hand sanitizer dispenser...classic! This Santa was very good looking, and by that I don't mean 6 ft, blonde hair, blue eyes..I mean realistic!  Funny story about Santa:  Derek, J and I walked into "Santa's House" in the Allen shopping center and Santa looked at us and said, no lie, " Santa goes to lunch at 3pm, so lets get going".  Ha!   I almost died laughing, and was glad we made it there on time...wouldn't want Santa to miss out on lunch (he looks so malnourished...see below)?!?

So precious, my little deer in headlights!  Isn't her outfit so stinking cute?  Derek just doesn't understand that she MUST have a cute outfit for every day of the week.

3 Month Chair and Bear Shots


  1. Poor miss j! Mean little boys! Funny enough there are no little girls in Gage's class or even in the younger babies. But Gage has been bitten by a "friend" on 2 separate occasions leaving nice little teeth marks. We also saw that Santa today but didn't know about e 3 o'clock lunch and ended up waiting 30 min til 4. But Gage was good, didn't cry. :)

  2. 2 comments.........Jocelyn looks like she is just chilling out in her daycare pictures. She kind of looks gangster. I love her Santa picture! She always looks so freaked out, it's hilarious!
