Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Grayson turns 1!!!

I can't believe it!  This year has just flown by, and we have enjoyed every minute of it.  I will be honest, when the doctor told us we were going to have a boy, I was like "what do I do with that??"  Looking back, I am an idiot, and I wouldn't change a thing.  I love this little guy so much, he brings so much happiness to our lives.  Jocelyn absolutely adores her little brother, and loves on him every chance she gets.  Sometimes she is too rough with him, and I kindly remind her that very soon he will start walking and be her worst nightmare :) 

As I mentioned, Grayson is not walking yet, but Jocelyn didn't start until 13.5 months, so we aren't worried.  He is close though, and when he does start walking we are going to be in TROUBLE!!  This little guy is SO busy, holy cow!  He is into everything and is always on the move.  He is a super fast crawler and has recently discovered the stairs (insert scared mom voice).  He can get half way up the stairs in 2.5 seconds!! 

I am pretty sure I can write in his baby book that his first word is "bye-bye" and I am pretty certain he knows exactly what it means.  He says it all the time, even if the person is not going bye bye!  He also says Da-Da, but I really don't think he knows what it means....Derek begs to differ. 

We recently took him in for a post operation check up and a hearing test (ear tube surgery) and his hearing is right on target, where previously he couldn't really hear out of his left ear.  I haven't had a chance to take him in for his 1 year appointment, but based on other doctor appointments we have had, he weighs about 20lbs, which is average.  Disappointingly, Derek and I did not reproduce tall children :)  but they sure are cute. 

My sweet friend took Grayson's 1 year photos, and it was literally the MOST humid day and 1 million degrees!  ugh!  She was lightning fast and was able to get several precious shots in like 12 minutes, seriously! 

Pretty sure I am biased, but he is probably the cutest little boy I have ever seen! 


Look at that dimple on his cheek!

My big boy had a tractor birthday party (of course) this weekend, and I will post those pictures as soon as my camera battery charges back up!  We have had a busy few weeks of a lot of picture taking!

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