Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Sunday, August 4, 2013

1 month pictures!

Can you believe it?  Grayson is already 1 month old (actually 5 weeks by the time I posted picture).  It has gone by so fast!  He is getting so big too.  He was 7lb 2oz when he was born, and I had him weighed over a week or so ago and he was over 9lbs!  He is a good eater. 

Derek and I have been blessed with two very good babies!  Whew!  Good eaters, good decent sleepers, and good dispositions. 

A lot of people have inquired how Jocelyn has been with Grayson...AWESOME!!  There is no jealousy at all.  She is such a good helper!  She will hold the bottle (for 5 seconds), throw diapers away, go grab things for me, and most importantly she helps me comfort him.  Funny story....So, for some odd reason, Derek and I don't call our kids by their names, we have very random nick names for them?  Jocelyn is Miss J, J-bird, JJ, etc.  Grayson's name has developed into G-man, G, G-money, etc.  I guess Jocelyn has picked up on this, because the other day when he was crying, she walked over to his rocker and leaned in and said "shhhh, its okay G money".  Derek and I literally died of laughter!  She is hilarious (gets it from me) :)

Grayson is on a pretty strict schedule.  He eats every 3 hours-he's like clockwork.  I have chosen to pump milk and feed him in a bottle, and he is eating 3oz per feeding!  We haven't been able to go for more than 3 hours yet (insert sad face for nighttime feedings) but I know we will get there soon.  Since we now live in a two story house, he is shacking up in our bedroom for now until he sleeps through the night.  I will tell you he is the LOUDEST baby on the face of the planet!  He grunts ALL THE TIME!  Very distracting when you are trying to sleep-ha!  We have purchased a sound machine that blasts all night long in our attempt to drown out the noise, and it works pretty well for now.  I for one (I'm sure Derek too) can't wait to claim back our sleeping quarters- Grunt free!

Here are Grayson's 1 month growth pictures, enjoy!

Big Sister wanted to get in the picture with him :)

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