Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

General Hospital

Our house has been plagued with sickness for the past two weeks!  Two weekends ago, Derek came down with the stomach bug that is going around.  He started feeling crummy on Saturday...and honestly, I was super annoyed that he wasn't helping out with Jocelyn and didn't believe he was sick.  That was until I was face down on the bathroom floor at 11PM that night.  I WOULD NOT wish this bug on anyone!  It was HORRIBLE.  We had to call in Aunt Blaire and Uncle Steven to take care of Jocelyn on Sunday because neither of us could get up off the couch.  Nasty virus! 

Then, this past Wednesday, Debra at daycare called me to let me know that Jocelyn was not herself?!?  So, on Thursday, I took her to see Dr. Fernandez.  She was diagnosed with RSV and bronchiolitis.  Those of you who are Mom's know how heartbreaking it is to see your child so sick, and there is nothing you can do to help them.  This sickness couldn't have come at a worse time.  Normally, I am the only parent that travels for work, but at this time of year, Derek travels too.  So, on Friday we were in a bind!  Gramma Joyce so graciously volunteered to take off of work and take care of Jocelyn.  Saturday and Sunday were the worst.  She had a fever, and would not take down fluids.  So, on Sunday, we took her to the ER to get checked out.

They took a chest X-ray and did a deep suction.  The suction helped out a lot, and it was he most peaceful I have seen her sleep in a while.  Derek fortunately had MLK day off, and stayed home with her.  I stayed home with her today while Derek is out of town, and Derek is taking off tomorrow...sigh!  Then hopefully by Thursday, we can get her back to school, as I will be in Florida until Saturday. 

                                      Our little tot taking her albuterol treatment like a champ! I really hope everyone gets well soon!  Being sick is NO fun! And I am ready for Miss J to get back to her normal self!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Rice Cereal...yum!

We got the green light to start Jocelyn on rice cereal.  The first time we tried it, she leaned forward and opened her mouth.  I got really excited and figured her enthsiasm would continue....wrong!  She now hates it, leans over in her chair and cries everytime we try to feed her.  Ugh!  So, we have discontinued for a few days and will pick back up next week.  This is a video of the first time Jocelyn tried rice cereal.

Monday, January 3, 2011

4 Month Pictures

As mentioned in a previous post, Jocelyn is getting SO BIG!!  Here are her 4 month chair and bear pictures compared to her first month.