Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Friday, February 25, 2011

Jocelyn's New Hangout!

As mentioned in a much earlier post, our house has been taken over by baby stuff!  It litterally looked like a daycare.  For those of you who know me well, you know my house is always picked up and organized.  I got this trait from my mom.  So, you would also guess that this was driving me crazy! 

So, Derek and I made a playroom for Miss J.  (When you walk in the house, the room immediately to the left....use to be the alcohol room A.K.A "The Lounge").  Anyways, I successfully sold some of the furniture items on craigslist....and immediately talked Derek into running to Ikea to purchase the replacement furniture.  Here are a few pics of Miss J's new hangout....and mom and dad's too!

These chairs from Ikea are te best!  They gently rock or bounce back and forth...good for rocking and feeding babies.  Also please notice the very fun chalkboard wall Derek made for Jocelyn.

The left side of the bookshelf with all of J's toys, books, DVD's and a globe....just incase J wants to learn about geography.
Top part of the bookshelf.  Decorated with my childhood "Little Red Riding Hood" books, etc.  Also, some of my toy Mickey Mouse building blocks that I had a child.
And the right side of the bookshelf with more of my childhood things.  The bear, dog and blankie A.K.A
"Sad Sack, Charlie Bear and Mickies" were my favorite things as a child.  That is why they are a few shelves up...and out of J's reach!  :)

How COOL is this!  Derek was participating in caravan at his work where they travel around to different locations (mainly military bases) to sign autographs, make appearances, etc.  So, they of course brought the ALCS trophy with them.  Well, for some reason Derek was deemed the "responsible" person to bring the trophy home with him until the next day.  We had to sieze the opportunity to take some photos with J and the trophy.  She thinks it is pretty cool too!  Personally, I was kind of nervous to have it in the house?!?  Our emergency evacuation plan was as follows....if the house catches on fire... Grab the baby, dog and ALCS trophy.  Ha!


  1. very nice! we sooooo need a playroom. at this's our bedroom. i put up a baby gate in the hallway so he can go from our room to his and do whatever. just easier that way!

  2. Love the picture of Miss J with the trophy! She looks like she's trying to figure out how to put it in her mouth :-)
