Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

3 weeks-what I have learned

Jocelyn is 3 weeks old today.  Derek and I were just saying that it seems like the longest, but shortest 3 weeks ever (weird, I know).  We can't believe that she has been in our lives for 3 weeks, and I can't believe I have gone 3 weeks of sleeping in 2.5 hour intervals! 

I know we still have a lot to learn about Miss J, but here are some of her personality traits so far.

1.  Do NOT restrict her arms.  She WILL find a way to get them out of constraints. 
2.  She is a wiggle worm.  There have been numerous times I will go check on her during a nap, and she is nowhere near the sleep positioner I laid her in.  She has ooched her way out and toward the head of the bed?!?
3.  We think she might have a dimple?  On her right cheek, when she smiles (I know she can't smile yet, but it looks like it to me), we can kind of see one.  I hope it does develop, because that would be too cute!
4.  She likes to have half of her bottle, burp, have a diaper change, finish the bottle.....then have a massive blowout for mommy to clean up-never fails :)
5.  She is not a big fan of the pacifier.  This may not end up being a bad thing.
6.  She can sleep up to 4 hours during the night, which is great for sleep, but bad for my boobs as I feel like they might explode!
7.  She has 3 favorite looks: pursing of the lips, the content smile, the one eyed sailor.
8.  When she is done eating, she will let you know by ever so forcefully pushing the bottle out of the way with her tongue.  She has a very strong tongue!
9.  When she cries, I can walk back into the room and she will stop?!?
10.  She is a very messy eater.  I have never done more laundry in my LIFE!!

A few more random things to share:

I think Toby is confused!  He lays in the boppy pretty much every time I feed Jocelyn.  I know this is probably really wrong and totally unsanitary, but it is too cute!

On our walk yesterday, I noticed this (above picture).  This homeowner has planted not one, not two, but three fake ficus tree/plants in the front yard.  Look here neighbor, I know we are all busy, but seriously?  How about we go ahead and take those out?

Her umbilical cord STILL has not fallen out (sigh), so here is a pic after a mini bath.

Too cute!!  He is a good Dad!


  1. haha! i love it! we need to come see you guys soon! gage doesn't do pacifies either...not a big deal and i hear ya on the boob situation. it was brutal! haha! o and don't worry about toby...gigi was all over everything too, still is...she loves to eat her food and leave crumbs all over his blanket he plays on. oh well! :)

  2. fake ficus trees??? I love it. I can't believe it has been 3 weeks. It goes by so fast.
