Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Derek, Breck, Jocelyn & Grayson

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Derek and the snake

Here is a little story for you Ags...

So, on Saturday, Derek was working on our kitchen remodel (pictures to come later). He was cleaning up for the day and decided to go to the backyard to get the waterhose. He opened up the back gate, went through, grabbed the hose, and walked back toward the gate. Then, I heard the LOUDEST scream ever. I came running outside to see what had happened. Apparently, there was a snake on the gate where Derek had just walked through. No lie...this snake was eye level and was wrapped around the gate post.

We don't like snakes, have nightmares about them...don't like them at ALL!!

Derek screamed loud enough to attract the attention of the two neighbor boys. They came over to see what the commotion was all about. Derek then recruits the two boys to "get rid" of the snake. This was a sight to see people. Derek was dancing around like a ballet dancer and I had locked myself inside the house, only to pop my head out periodically to see what the progress was.

These two little neighbor boys left for a minute, and returned back with a weapon...a metal rake? They managed to get the snake off of the fence, and then our worst nightmare happened. The snake figured out a way to slither behind the wooden siding of our house...nice. So, for this entire week we have been cautiously opening the back door to see if the snake was still out there...and it was. The snake would come out of its hiding place,and scurry back in as soon as we opened the back door. (I am sure the little boys mother would have been so thankful for our recruiting efforts, hehe).

Derek and I went back and forth this week about whose responsibility it was to get rid of the snake...and I won.

My friends...this is how my wonderful husband decided to get rid of the snake...

Yes, that is spray foam. Derek decided to just spray foam shut the hole where we think the snake may or may not still be in?? Fantastic...what do we do if the snake dies? Do dead snakes smell? What if the snake is gone? Ugh!

One more thing, Derek is for hire for all of your pest control needs! :)

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